Artifact f7e24aa085dfda67456016fe782d5685f1c8c579f45f7cd3201fb78ee59c08b8:

  • File context.jsonld — part of check-in [76df2f8453] at 2022-11-18 18:01:07 on branch trunk — switch to singular for `potentialDomainPrior` (user: mario size: 9898)

    "@context": {
        "@version": 1.1,
        "hi": "",
        "addicto": "",
        "magc": "",
        "fabio": "",
        "datacite": "",
        "dc": "",
        "owl": "",
        "rdf": "",
        "rdfs": "",
        "schema": "",
        "skos": "",
        "types": "",
        "xsd": "",
        "@description": {
            "@id": "description",
            "@container": "@index",
            "@index": "@id",
            "@type": ["rdfs:comment", "dc:description"],
            "@language": "en"
        "Score": {
            "@id": "hi:Score",
            "@type": "xsd:double"
        "Bag": {
            "@id": "hi:Bag",
            "@type": "rdf:Bag",
            "@container": "@index",
            "@index": "Score"
        "Keyword": {
            "@id": "hi:Keyword",
            "@type": "xsd:string",
            "@container": "@list"

        "ScholarlyArticle": { "@id": "schema:ScholarlyArticle", "@type": "schema:ScholarlyArticle" },
        "MedicalScholarlyArticle": { "@id": "schema:ScholarlyArticle",  "@type": "schema:ScholarlyArticle" },
        "abstract": { "@id": "schema:abstract",  "@type": "schema:abstract" },
        "articleSection": { "@id": "schema:articleSection",  "@type": "schema:articleSection" },
        "author": { "@id": "schema:author",  "@type": "schema:author" },
        "comment": { "@id": "schema:comment",  "@type": "schema:comment" },
        "correction": { "@id": "schema:correction",  "@type": "schema:correction" },
        "datePublished": { "@id": "schema:datePublished",  "@type": "schema:datePublished" },
        "description": { "@id": "schema:description",  "@type": "schema:description" },
        "discussionUrl": { "@id": "schema:discussionUrl",  "@type": "schema:discussionUrl" },
        "funding": { "@id": "schema:funding",  "@type": "schema:funding" },
        "identifier": { "@id": "schema:identifier",  "@type": "schema:identifier" },
        "review": { "@id": "schema:review",  "@type": "schema:review" },
        "sameAs": { "@id": "schema:sameAs",  "@type": "schema:sameAs" },
        "url": { "@id": "schema:url",  "@type": "schema:url" },
        "localScore": { "@id": "hi:localScore", "@type": "xsd:string" },
        "fieldOfStudy": { "@id": "hi:fieldOfStudy", "@type": "magc:FieldOfStudy" },

        "potentialCompetingInterest": {
            "@id": "hi:potentialCompetingInterest",
            "@type": "hi:Bag"
        "continued-employment":  { "@id": "hi:continued-employment", "@type": "Score" },
        "grant-bias": { "@id": "hi:grant-bias", "@type": "Score" },
        "industry-association": { "@id": "hi:industry-association", "@type": "Score" },
        "none-declared": { "@id": "hi:none-declared", "@type": "Score" },
        "peer-prestige": { "@id": "hi:peer-prestige", "@type": "Score" },
        "personal-affliction": { "@id": "hi:personal-affliction", "@type": "Score" },
        "policy-suggestive": { "@id": "hi:policy-suggestive", "@type": "Score" },
        "policy-validation": { "@id": "hi:policy-validation", "@type": "Score" },
        "prior-grant": { "@id": "hi:prior-grant", "@type": "Score" },
        "prior-nondisclosure": { "@id": "hi:prior-nondisclosure", "@type": "Score" },
        "profit-healthcare": { "@id": "hi:profit-healthcare", "@type": "Score" },
        "unaccountable-philantropy": { "@id": "hi:unaccountable-philantropy", "@type": "Score" },
        "unratified-treaty": { "@id": "hi:unratified-treaty", "@type": "Score" },
        "discourse-aversion": { "@id": "hi:discourse-aversion", "@type": "Score" },

        "potentialDomainPrior": {
            "@id": "hi:potentialDomainPrior",
            "@type": "hi:Bag"
        "regulatory-misdeclaration": { "@id": "hi:regulatory-misdeclaration", "@type": "Score" },
        "title-vali": { "@id": "hi:title-vali", "@type": "Score" },
        "press-release": { "@id": "hi:press-release", "@type": "Score" },
        "nicotine-addiction": { "@id": "hi:nicotine-addiction", "@type": "Score" },
        "stakeholder-disregard": { "@id": "hi:stakeholder-disregard", "@type": "Score" },
        "misinformation-prevalence": { "@id": "hi:misinformation-prevalence", "@type": "Score" },
        "exaggerative-phrasing": { "@id": "hi:exaggerative-phrasing", "@type": "Score" },
        "kin-liability": { "@id": "hi:kin-liability", "@type": "Score" },

        "potentialImplicitBias": {
            "@id": "hi:potentialImplicitBias",
            "@type": "hi:Bag"
        "zero-risk": { "@id": "hi:zero-risk", "@type": "Score" },
        "dragon-slaying": { "@id": "hi:dragon-slaying", "@type": "Score" },
        "preferential-subgroup": { "@id": "hi:preferential-subgroup", "@type": "Score" },
        "conflating-terminology": { "@id": "hi:conflating-terminology", "@type": "Score" },

        "studyFindings": {
            "@id": "hi:studyFindings",
            "@type": "hi:Bag"
        "beneficial": { "@id": "hi:beneficial", "@type": "Score" },
        "negative": { "@id": "hi:negative", "@type": "Score" },
        "confidence": { "@id": "hi:confidence", "@type": "Score" },
        "clinical-relevance": { "@id": "hi:clinical-relevance", "@type": "Score" },

        "keywords": {
            "@id": "schema:keywords",
            "@type": "schema:keywords"
        "cross-sectional": { "@id": "hi:cross-sectional", "@type": "Keyword" }
    "@description": {
        "@id": "description",
        "Bag": "Tag list of floats (for comparison self-scoring might be ceiled towards 1.0)",
        "Score": "A rough self-estimate between 0.0 and 1.0",
        "Keyword": "Keywords/tag list, e.g.: cross-sectional, survey-derived, mass-spectography, structured-data, ...",

        "potentialCompetingInterest": "Secondary, social and financial PCOIs. Notably *potential* doesn't mean established! Transparency should primarily alleviate concerns <>",
        "continued-employment": "conclusions might affect tenure or position (CFI)",
        "grant-bias": "funding leans to risk-averse/bureaucratic incentives (CFI)",
        "financial-stake": "…",
        "intellectual-property": "…",
        "industry-association": "direct or indirect ties to business-relevant interest orgs (CFI, must lean on maximum =1.0 impact)",
        "none-declared": "might be interpreted as limited commitment to disclosure <>",
        "peer-prestige": "academic standing or social engagement",
        "personal-affliction": "individual use, impairment, preferences",
        "policy-suggestive": "paper can be interpreted to derive policy suggestions",
        "policy-validation": "acquiescence with overt or preconceived policy drifts",
        "prior-grant": "any grants that might constitute a PCOI on previous papers",
        "prior-nondisclosure": "flaunted previous conflict of interest disclosures, Bonnie",
        "stakeholder-relation": "Aquainted or themselves among effected population group (CFI)",
        "unaccountable-philantropy": "Relations to explicit harm reduction opposition (e.g. Bloomberg front groups)",
        "profit-healthcare": "Healthcare ecosystem primarily profit-driven (CFI)",
        "unratified-treaty": "e.g. international climate accords, or FCTC in the US",
        "discourse-aversion": "indications for echo chamber / rationales not sustaining public debate / potential vested interests",
        "potentialDomainPrior": "Any preconceived notions that might currently be in dispute within the respective academic field, or induced by policy or lobbying efforts. (This vocabulary sample is about strenuous affairs in NVP-related articles.)",
        "regulatory-misdeclaration": "e.g. nicotine as tobacco products",
        "title-vali": "EVALI attributed to NVPs, absent or insufficient disambiguation",
        "press-release": "findings are intended to find their way into press campaigns",
        "nicotine-addiction": "conflate tobacco addiction and nicotine dependence",
        "stakeholder-disregard": "directl or indirect advocation to preempt input from effected subjects",
        "misinformation-prevalence": "Relative frequency of e-cig harm exaggerations in attention outlets and PH messaging; e.g. California=1.0, US=0.9, India=0.5, UK=0.2",
        "exaggerative-phrasing": "alluding to an 'epidemic' based on a marketing declaration",
        "kin-liability": "prevalence of attributive notions",

        "potentialImplicitBias": "Personal preferences",
        "zero-risk": "possible zero-risk bias / nirvana fallacy",
        "dragon-slaying": "enemy focus in assessment",
        "preferential-subgroup": "refers to both invisibility (historical disregard of female physice), or sole focus on marketable population subsets",
        "conflating-terminology": "Does not use clear delineations between different objects pertaining to study, [see also: AddictO]",

        "studyFindings": "Scores on overall study conclusion, all estimates, none to be interpreted as direct probability",
        "beneficial": "errs on positive findings",
        "negative": "found mostly negative outcomes",
        "confidence": "estimate on data set reliability or modelling",
        "clinical-relevance": "estimate on findings relevance to real-world health outcomes (e.g. 1.0=instant death, or 0.1=more hypothetical)"