# src: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13QvkPs5oK8MF_CWmO5SL9mCwUcTmFMwR/view # orig: Dr. Briss response received 100121 to Evali letter.pdf # date: 2021-09-22 # type: ocr # q: 0.3 (,;~ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES v'~~ Public Health Service Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Atlanta GA 30329-4027 September 22, 2021 The Honorable Thomas J. Miller Attorney General Iowa Depattment of Justice J305 E. Walnut Street Des Moines, Iowa 50319 Dear Attorney General Miller: Thank you for your Jetter to Dr. Rochelle WaJensky, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), requesting that the agency rename "E-cigarette, or Vaping, Product UseAssociated Lung Injury" (EV ALI). I am responding on Dr. WaJensky's behalf. From August 2019 to Februai·y 2020, CDC, the Food and Drug Administration, state and local health departments, and other clinical and public health partners investigated a national outbreak of EV ALI. Case peaked in September 2019, with a substantial decline thereafter. Though it has been more than a year since the decline in cases and CDC stopped routinely collecting information from states on EV ALI cases, the agency continues to monitor EV ALI-related trends using syndromic surveiJlance. These data do not suggest a resurgence of EV ALI. EV ALI was named in the early tage of the outbreak based on information that was known, including case patient reports of the use of a wide range of e-cigarette, or vaping, product . CDC and others broadly communicated that the outbreak investigation has shown most cases of EV ALI were linked to Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)-containing e-cigarette, or vaping, products, particularly from informal sources. Vitamin E acetate, an additive in some THC-containing ecigarette, or vaping, products, was strongly linked to the EV ALI outbreak. However, the evidence remains insufficient to rule out the contribution of other chemicals of concern, including chemical s in either THC or non-THC products, in some reported EV ALI cases. As noted in the January 24, 2020 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, "Update: Characteristics of a Nationwide Outbreak of E-cigarette, or Vaping, Product Use-Associated Lung Injury United States, August 20 19-January 2020," 1 14 percent of EVALI patients reported exclusive use of nicotine-containing producl . The identification of EV ALI ca e patients reporting excJ u ive use of nicotine-containing product i reported elsewhere. 2 · 3 .4 Given the lack of ev idence to rule out the contribution of other chemicals of concern to the EV AU o utbreak, the pos ibility that chemicaL of concern co uld be introduced into su pply chains of either THC o r non-THC-containing product in the future, the prudence of assessing sub tance use broadly where c linical ly indicated , and that some EV ALI cases reported exclu 1ve u e of nicotine-containing product , CDC declines to rename EV ALI. CDC will continue to monitor EV ALI-related trend , provide EV ALI-related help to state as needed, and provide nece sary update · to the public. 5 We appreciate your letter and interest in thi important public health topic. Plea e share a copy of this re ponse with the co-sig ners of your letter. Sincere ly, Peter Briss, MD, MPH EV ALJ Incident Manager, 2019-2020 M edical Director, Nation al Center for Chronic Di ease Preventio n and Health Promotio n CDC 1: Krishnasamy VP, Hallowell BD. Ko JY. et al. Update: Characteristics of a Nationwide Outbreak of E-cigarene, or Vaping, Product Use-Associated Lung Injury - Un ited States. August 20 19- Ja nuary 2020. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020;69:90-94. DOI: hllp://dx.doi .org/I O. I 5585/mmwr.mm690'.k 2: Ghinai r, Navon L. Gunn JK. e l al. Characteri Lies of Per on Who Report Using Onl y Nicotine-Containing Products Among Interviewed Patients wiLh E-cigarcue. or Yaping, Product Use-Associated Lu ng Inj ury - Illinoi , August- December 2019. MMWR Morb Monal Wkly Rep 2020;69:84-89. DOI: www.cdc.gov/mm wr/vo lumc!>/69/wr/mm6903c I .htm 3: Lozier MJ , Wallace 8 , Anderson K, ct al. Update: Demographic, Product. and Sub tance-Use Characteristics of Ho pitalized Patient in a Nationwide Outbreak of E-cigareue, or Yaping, Product Use-Associated Lung Injuries United State . December 20 19. MMWR Morb Monal Wkly Rep 20 19;68: 11 42-1148. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/ IO. I5585/mm wr.mm6849c I · 4: Ell ington S. Salvat0re PP, Ko J. et al. Update: Product, Sub tance- Use, and Demographic Characteristics of Hospitalized Patients in a Nationwide Outbreak of E-cigareue, or Yaping. Product U e- Associatcd Lung lnjury United States. Augu t 20 19- January 2020. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020;69:44-49. DO£: w v. w .cdc.gov/rnmwr/volurnes/69/wr/rn rn6902e2. htrn?s cid=mm6902c2 w 5: W\\ w.cdc.gov/Lunc lnjury