category factcheck
score Mostly True 🟧🟩🟩🟩🟩
claim "E-cigarettes tied to prediabetes odds"
author MedPage Today, / Lei Lei Wu
tags ['third-party-fact-check', 'linguistic-analysis', 'title-exacerbation']


Somewhat more detailed article that reviews a PR study on blood sugar level risks from nicotine, vaping, or smoking. It did look at the actual findings, yet still rehashes most of the questionable claims.

PR study attributes prediabetes to e-cig usage


  • It's not a tabloid publication, and the title is slightly less imperatively wrong.
  • may be linked dials it back a notch, but is still a weasel phrase
  • Article represents a full statistic and data points (non-mainstream audience).
  • Doesn't note Johns Hopkins` questionable track record on this topic.
  • The prevalence of e-cigarette use among young adults and adolescents is rising rapidly lie was reprinted here.
  • Nonetheless it's clearly more of a "study says" article.
  • In addition, the study "could not rule out diet-related information, which would reduce the observed association to the null," they wrote. for instance is not just lifted from the press release, but buried in the study.


While this article spreads a poor study onto the medical community, it does make quite a few fair attempts at dissecting and grading the findings. Hence would put this into "mostly true" territory.